Re: [MV] MV's not allowed to participate in the Veteran's Day

From: Mil-Veh Co. (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 08:59:29 PDT

--- "Scherrer, Tim" <> wrote:

> We've also had members of the organizing committee
> approach us at event
> and tell us how great we would be for the event, not
> knowing their
> committee chair excludes all MVs and reenactors.

I was all done till I read that, but I have to say
that tolerating or respecting others opinions has it's

I would like to suggest that such unpatriotic
ignoramouses that would dare to say military vehicles
be banned from veterans parades get a full explanation
of the opposing opinion that would stop just short of
knocking them on their stupid asses.

J. Lee, formerly Capt. CARNG

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