From: MV (
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 09:02:21 PDT
If the MVPA is a bonafide non-profit corporation which I believe that
they are. And Jim Gilmore believes or knows that they have violated
their own bylaws, I believe that he has legal remedies that he can apply
since he is currently the director. Of course he has to ask himself -
is it really worth it? If the board members have the organization
headed for the ground, or they as a group are simply self serving, then
there is probably little that any member is going to be able to do other
than leave the organization.
Corporations can go bad, even under public and governmental scrutiny -
look at Enron.
Ryan Gill wrote:
> News of the spat has made it's way to our GaMVPA club. The impression
> that our former president has is that the Board has screwed up and is
> fighting the wrong fight. Looks at least like Jim Gilmore has the right
> of it.
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