Re: [MV] To any and all concerned MVPA members and future members

From: MV (
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 09:08:07 PDT

I meant "a director".

MV wrote:
> If the MVPA is a bonafide non-profit corporation which I believe that
> they are. And Jim Gilmore believes or knows that they have violated
> their own bylaws, I believe that he has legal remedies that he can apply
> since he is currently the director. Of course he has to ask himself -
> is it really worth it? If the board members have the organization
> headed for the ground, or they as a group are simply self serving, then
> there is probably little that any member is going to be able to do other
> than leave the organization.
> Corporations can go bad, even under public and governmental scrutiny -
> look at Enron.
> Dave
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
> Ryan Gill wrote:
>> News of the spat has made it's way to our GaMVPA club. The impression
>> that our former president has is that the Board has screwed up and is
>> fighting the wrong fight. Looks at least like Jim Gilmore has the
>> right of it.

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