From: Ron (
Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 09:05:45 PDT
Hi Todd....
Ya just might want to think that over a bit. The manufacturer rates a
vehicles towing ability using engineers and computers to figure a stock
vehicles ability.
While 'they match up perfect in height' sitting still, dynamically,
you're cruising for a bruising.
Yours is no longer stock, has a lift kit and possibly (probably) larger
rubber (you didn't say). If your towing with a loaded stock truck you might
get away with it, but a lifted , wide tires (with high sidewall) rig all
bids are off.
Putting my M105 trailer on and off the deuce (non crank landing leg)
requires 3 people (2 lifting and the driver in the cab). However, I have
jammed an 8 foot long 2x2 square tube up under the back of the trailer and
lifted the tongue and shifted it easily using a 100 lb daughter as the
motive force. Leverage.....
The 9.00x20s on the M105 allow for easy off road rolling, but punch your
load right up there vertically, CG wise.
What's gonna bite you in the ass is that little lane change at highway
speeds when 'Josephine' (a MA driver) suddenly pulls into the inside lane
from the breakdown lane without matching speeds and you (rapidly) swerve
from the inside lane to the middle lane and tap your brakes to avoid 'Sid'
(a former MA resident who has moved to NH), and that unbraked trailer
attached to your pintle at a 45 degree angle off your centerline/direction
of travel, shoves the ass of your truck into the passing lane and beyond.
Probably shove your rig over on it's side at the same time due to the tires
dragging and the lift kit helping the roll.
Been there, done that, and got the soiled shorts! Also I have towed the
remains of several folks consists who have moved small cars and tractors on
trailers without functioning brakes off the highway to the impound yard. Had
a 3000+lb Ford 8N (no, you didn't mention the tires were full of calcium)
drag my 3/4 ton Suburban all over Interstate 93 when 'Josephine' pulled this
stunt on me and the wiring harness got involved with the chains and ripped
the plug out of the socket. Why aren't the trailer brakes working? Luckily
traffic was light and I was able to accelerate (up to 75 from 40!!) over the
next mile while the trailer took me from passing lane to break down lane and
back 3 times before the trailer stopped snapping me around like a terrier
with a rat.
Do yourself a favor and before you hit the road for real, hook up you
rig and trailer and find a big empty parking lot on a Sunday morning and try
some combination 30 mph swerves with various levels of braking applications
once the trailer is off the center line of your truck. (I suggest you empty
your bowels before you try this.)
Also, do not forget that a pintle/lunette combo is a very "LOOSE"
connection designed as a compromise for maximum off road
maneuverability(read slop) at low speeds and the lunette on the trailer has
the ability to rotate through 270 degrees (or more). Using civilian
combination ball/pintle hitches usually magnifies the 'looseness'. With out
trailer brakes, your trailer will 'smack' the ball with quite a bit of force
when you really don't want it (or expect it). Your reaction in a
swerve/slide situation to a sudden further shove in the ass will be to
instinctively shove the brake pedal further through the firewall. Truck
starts a side slide while Mr. M105 Inertia continues to happily motor down
the highway, taking you along as an unwilling participant, until Mr.
Friction brings the party to a stop, hopefully still upright, though
crosswise to traffic. Oppps, we forgot about Mr. Freightliner tooling down
the lane(s) you now occupy. Damn, I bet you almost could hear the screams
over the tire and metal rending noises.......
Do your self a favor and get a nice M101A2. Then you can come to the MV
rallies and meet us crazies in person while we convert you to the dark side
of OD collecting and the benefits of 45 MPH travel with the windshield down.
Regards, Ronzo
Who just happens to be selling an M105 and a used M105 vinyl cover,
along with an M101CDN with racks, gates and cover at the Weare Rally this
BTW Todd (and others) WEARE, NH RALLY STARTS IN 24 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!! for info.
Come on up and meet a bunch of us and OD on OD!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Goranson" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 26 July, 2005 21:04
Subject: Re: [MV] CUCV M105A1 trailer wiring M1009
> Thanks for all the input and the trans-12 to 24 issues. I plan to tow the
> m105 behind my 2005 dodge 2500 4x4 which already has a 5 inch lift, they
> match up perfect in height, I was advises by a friend they make an adapter
> and I may be able to get one at this weekends show so I'll let you know
> how o make out. Thx's todd
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