From: Chris Brunner (
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 04:45:55 PDT
Only problem with the newer synthetic stuff (like Trex) is that it needs
to be supported every 16 - doesn't have as much strength as grown woods.
jhooah wrote:
>Vent lines are to allow the pressure to change as things heat/cool, especially during splashing through water, etc. If there were no way to equalize the pressure, when the "sealed" unit heated up, it would pop the waterproofing, and vis versa when it cooled. As there's no airflow other than residual vacuum from the aircleaner connection (highest point on the vehicle exposed to the air) there's no real cooling factor designed into it IMHO.
>As to wood, why not use the new synthetic stuff and stain/paint it green. Won't rot, no splinters, looks more realistic than fiberglass. and available at the harware store chains.
>W Winget
>Ft. Campbell temp duty.
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