Re: [MV] M35 Wheel Bearings Hot

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 19:31:48 PDT

I have seen the rear hubs warm, but never too hot to keep my hand
on for a while. To my knowledge there is only one spec of outer
seal, and one spec of inner seal. Here is a web page containing
much wisdom of the group and a picture or two.

Could it be that the bearings are not adequately packed with
grease? In any case, not not ever leave the seals off orthe diff
oil will wash all the grease out of the bearings. Check the part
numbers you used, and see the web page, there may be part numbers
there to compare.

A friendly phone call to a company that rebuilds these trucks
might help. memphis equipment company has been helpful to me before.


jonathon wrote:

> Greetings,
> Trying to get ready for the Iola WI show and did a brake job on the M35
> including all new bearings and seals, also did the M105 Trailer. In case
> your asking why, I found a large number of very pitted bearings, also
> several oil soaked brakes. But anyway, took the rig out for a test drive,
> the front hubs and the hubs on the trailer are running at best warm as I
> would expect, but all 4 rear hubs are so hot that you can hold your hand on
> them for all of 1 or 2 seconds. I figured perhaps I had set the bearings to
> tight, so I Ioosened all 4 of them and repeated the test, same result, but
> this time I noticed that the source of the heat was clearly in the vicinity
> of the outer bearing. Upon closer examination I could see that as I would
> tighten up the inner nut, the seal would contact the outer bearing cup and
> then start deflecting, thus putting some amount of axial force on the seal
> contact area that is perhaps more than it should be. It's hard to imaging
> that this is the source of the heat as my test drive was all of 8 miles, but
> I see no other explanation at this point.
> Has anyone here replaced bearings and seals on the rear hubs and seen this?
> Are there perhaps different versions of the seal, one that might have less
> lip protrusion perhaps??? Has anyone tried running without the outer seals?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> later,
> je
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