how do you get a truck home from Gov't liquidation

Date: Mon Aug 29 2005 - 19:21:22 PDT

HI, All
I have a couple of questions, first I was wondering why non running trucks go so high on Gov't liquidation and how does one get one home? I thought about bidding on a truck and called Napier Logistisic and they wanted $500 or more to load the thing and 4.00 a mile to ship it I figured it would cost $5,700 just to ship the thing plus the price of the truck!! I don't know about most of you folks but my money tree isn't that ripe! I know Joe young won't buy from there and I know this was a hot topic a while ago but since I didn't have permission to get a Deuce from the wife then I kinda ingnored them, I guess I should have read them, but anyway how have you folks gotten them home? Also I learned that the term Buyer Loads means it doesn't run, any tips, teminology and ways you have gotten one home would be helpful, also can you tow a Deuce with a pick up? Any comments or suggestion would be apreciated
Thanks for your Time

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