From: Alan Wise (
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 05:23:06 PDT
Nobody ever asked "Is that a Hummer?" I get that whether I'm driving an
Iltis, Pinzgauer or V-100!
> Things that happened to my while driving my Mutt:
> 1.) Sheriff pulled me over and wanted to know where to buy parts for his
> CJ-2. He thought I was "Military" until he saw the license plate.
> 2.) Guy followed me and wanted me to change the brakes on his old Jeep.
> 3.) People pull along side and stare and prevent me from changing lanes so
> that I can get off at my exit (This has happened several times). Now I just
> use the slow lane.
> 4.) Guy at stoplight noted his friend bought a Army Jeep for $50. I
> explained that never happened (he didn't believe me).
> 5.) Guy wanted to know exactly how much I had into the restoration. And
> exactly how much I paid in the first place. He got indigent when I told him
> I didn't remember.
> 6.) Kids at a stop light noted I wasn't driving a "REAL Army Jeep."
> 7.) Woman at stoplight said my Mutt was "the coolest thing she had ever
> seen."
> 8.) Salesman at work noted he drove a Jeep just line mine in Korea and it
> was a M100.
> 9.) Guys at work didn't believe me when I told them the unused "flanges" on
> the differentials are not PTOs.
> 10.) People ask "Are going to war?" I tell them no way, it would get the
> Mutt dirty!
> Regards,
> Glen
> May the Joys of today be those of tomorrow!
> May the goblet of life hold no dregs of sorrow!
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