From: Todd Goranson (
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 07:04:03 PDT
Hello All,
Is there anybody in the Mechanicsburg, PA and the Ft. Drum, NY area that would be able to pick up a 6.2L motor for me that is in a fiberglass shipping container? I've won two motors, both in containers, the auctions just ended, its paid for, just need somebody to hold on to it for 2-3 weeks until I can drive down/across from Boston to pick them up. I'm sure it will fit in the back of a pickup or on a trailer. The motor container is 4ft. x 4ft. x 3ft. I would be willing to pay a time and gas fee for this assistance. Please contact me directly at the below listed email if you can help.
Todd Goranson
Senior Implementation Engineer
NetCracker Technology
95 Sawyer Road
Waltham, MA 02453
Blackberry: 781-325-3406
Fax: 781-419-3301
Main: 781-419-3300
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