Re: [MV] Forwarding for a N.O. evacuee...

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Thu Sep 01 2005 - 21:21:28 PDT

At 4:05 AM +0000 9/2/05, wrote:
>(I can't post this so please do so for me)
>I'm currently evacuated from N.O. and I
>completely agree. I don't however think
>it's a "southern" thing as much as a gangsta
>thug culture thing. Not really any
>different than East LA or other riots. Which leads me to say that this isn't
>even a riot, just thugs that are taking the opportunity to "own the streets."
>I sure hope the "officials take the opportunity to sweep all projects and
>subsidized housing for weapons.

So people in subsidized housing have different rights than we who don't?

>On another subject, let me say here first; the Corps of Engineers will eat the
>big one over these failed "levees." They design or aprove all construction and
>maintenance and the ones that failed are miserably small.

It looks like they were overtopped initially.
Size, not design was the problem. How much did
the city of New Orleans contribute over the past
20 years to their upkeep?

Why do so many people just want to give up any
self responsibility on the personal or city or
county or state to the next higher level? Why are
the goons inside the beltway going to be the
saviors of all?

Ryan Gill    
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'60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3)

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