Re: [MV] Forwarding for a N.O. evacuee...

From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 00:05:29 PDT

On Sep 2, 2005, at 12:21 AM, Ryan Gill wrote:

> Why do so many people just want to give up any self responsibility on
> the personal or city or county or state to the next higher level? Why
> are the goons inside the beltway going to be the saviors of all?

I agree, but the way it was set up was that the Army Corps of Engineers
was responsible, right wrong or otherwise. And that means Washington
is responsible. Or, as it seems, irresponsible. The Federal Budget
that is about to go into effect just cut the funds for levee
maintenance by 20%. Boy, that doesn't look good now does it? Neither
does the Army Corps of Engineers asking for $105 million for hurricane
and flood programs in New Orleans last year and having the White House
cut the request to about $40 million and Congress "generously" bumping
it up to $42.2 million. Apparently those up in Washington felt the
levees could be maintained with a few truckloads of ductape and stern
looks from the engineers.

Fact is for YEARS the Army Corps of Engineers and weather experts have
been warning that this was going to happen. Not "if", "when". In
fact, according to one report I read the head of the Army Corps
resigned in 2002 apparently under pressure (i.e. they were going to
fire him) because he was so vocal about the danger and continued
reduction of the funding (not to mention the lack of increasing it). I
guess the problem is the guy was a Soldier and an Engineer, not a
politician so he didn't know enough to not create waves (excuse the

There is going to be a lot of blaming for this catastrophe to go around
for years to come. Hopefully SOME of it will actually stick where it
belongs (and it isn't just the Feds).


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