Re: 155mm Howitzer WW2 V Vietnam

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 13:24:26 PDT

At 7:50 PM +0100 10/18/05, STUART BEENEY wrote:
>Dear List,
> Can anyone tell me if there were any diffreneces in the
>155mm Howitzers used duing WW2 compared to thoses used during the Vietnam

The Guns themselves or the mounts? Perhaps you mean the M1 155mm Howitzer (on the M1 later the M114 carriage)? Bear in mind we had boucous 155mm guns (Long Toms), 8" Howitzers, and 105mm howitzers for gun artillery.

My TM9-3305 says there was only a 155mm howitzer on a towed carriage. All the other 155mm tubes were guns, on a variety of towed and SP mounts. The Long tom and the M1 8" Gun both sharing the same carriage (M2).

-                 Data Center Operations Group                -
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