From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 18:08:22 PDT
Hi all,
Well, the snow we got today convinced me that I am running out of time
to fix my MULE before the real winter comes into effect. For those who
might remember, it is sitting around waiting for me to figure out why
no fuel is getting to the carb. I believe the fuel tank filter is
plugged and am going to start by dropping the tank and replacing the
filter (along with doing some other needed repairs). It would be
helpful to have filter in hand instead of dropping the tank and
bringing the old one down to NAPA or Car Quest. In order to do that I
need a x-reference number for the fuel tank filter and the filter for
the fuel bowl. Anybody have these?
If this isn't the problem then I'm going with the 2nd best suggestion
from this list and get a new fuel pump. However, I strongly suspect
the filter and I'm sure it needs replacing anyway. So might as well
start there.
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