M170 - M38a1 brake parts help please

From: Everette (194cbteng@bellsouth.net)
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 16:06:05 PST

Help please....

I seem to recall that there is a difference in wheel cylinders between M170
and M38a1. I have to replace mine on M170 soon, along with master cylinder,
loosing brake fluid and my thought is while I am into it replace all.

Am I remembering correctly or are they the same cylinders?

My memory said there is a difference in diameter of cylinders between two
vehicles, but I have miss-remembered before.
I have neither one but want to be sure I purchase correct ones, with jeep on
stands in middle of a friends shop is not time to find out have wrong parts.

Another question are brake shoes the same?

There is a difference in suspension parts and shocks.


In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me
light and strength.

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