Re: 2006 East Coast Convey

Date: Mon Jan 30 2006 - 13:06:39 PST

The website is close to being ready...
In an effort to reduce confusion, the volunteer who is working on the website
redesign is trying to get everything onto the website so that we won't have a
bunch of pages with "information to be posted later..." notes.
We've been testing it and it should be ready soon...
We are going to be using the same basic routes, meeting locations, and schedule
as last year's convoy but with a new location for the northern and southern
segments to meet in Aberdeen prior to the last short run to the rally.

We are trying to improve...

Kenny: Send me your location and contact info and I will personally insure
that you are registered and receive all the info as it is sent out.

Cabell Garbee
Convoy Commander, 2006 East Coast Convoy

Quoting Kenny Reed <>:

> I have heard on Jan. 17 that an update was goin to be performed on the
> website for the registration for the convey and stuff like that. I read on
> the email that the updates would in done in a week or so. It has been
> almost two now and I was wondering if someone could shed some light on what
> is goin on with that. Last year was fun execpt for all the comfusion that i
> went thru to try to sign up. It seemed like no one really knew what was
> goin one. I am in no way blaming anyone. I just like to know for sure what
> is goin on with stuff so I don't feel as rushed when the Big Day comes. I
> know that a lot of stuff has to happen and come together to make it
> successful so I would like to get in as early as possible. Thanks for any
> and all info.
> Kenny Reed
> 1968 M35A2 W/W, Whistler
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