From: Marc Strangfeld (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 19:47:28 PST
We had a killer winter storm up here in Wisconsin drop
about 8-10" of wet heavy snow on top of mud. I got a
call this afternoon from a milk hauler who was stuck
with about half a load on. Total weight was about
50,000 lbs. So, I got the deuce out and drove about
20 miles with my head hanging out the window
(defroster is unhooked and the windshield was iced
over) to pull him out. I'm pleased to say the deuce
pulled him out like it was pulling away from a stop
sign. Well maybe it wasn't that easy but it did the
job anyway. I also have a 6" wide nylon strap rated
at 60,000 lbs and without that he'd probably still be
there. Didn't have time to grab the camera otherwise
it would've made for some good pictures. Overall it
was good fun.
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