From: jatonka (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2006 - 17:34:53 PST
They started about a month ago at some locations, now seems to be across the
board on more than 50% of the vehicle sales. I don't know how buyers expect
to do it in their states, but in NY we are screwed. Speaking from
experience. JT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Schlesinger (MTA)" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 8:08 AM
Subject: [MV] Gl auction
I just looked at a GL auction for the first time in a couple of months. Why
did they stop issuing sf97s, and how do buyers get titles for the trucks so
they can sell them?
----- Fred
M35A2W/W and M38A1
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