From: MV (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2006 - 05:51:23 PST
I have an even better idea, let's take the idea that Everette has,
The other idea I had was to hook an inverter to my almost dead MV
Why has no one thought of these ideas! (;->)
PS.. does anyone have any cheap extra high efficiency chargers around -
remember the potato experiment we all did in school. Start growing
potatoes in our back yards. Get a bunch of nails, embed them into the
potatoes, run wires to each potato while it is growing still, run this
circuit back to our MV batteries, charge the batteries, tie that to an
inverter, hook into the power grid, sell excess power back to the
utility. Become rich, retire to Idaho and start a really big operation!!!
battery, plug a high efficiency charger (like 150%!!) into the inverter,
hook the charger up to the battery and charge the battery back up by
like 125% or better............. you know, those chargers that deliver
more power than they consume.. I think the Perpetual Motion Company of
Long Island made them (:->)
Guys - all of the easy problems have been solved - Edison got the
lightbulb idea nailed, etc. We are stuck with the tough ones....
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