Re: Charge a battery? Plant a tree

From: Marty Galyean (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2006 - 07:15:29 PST

MV wrote:

> The other idea I had was to hook an inverter to my almost dead MV
> battery, plug a high efficiency charger (like 150%!!) into the
> inverter, hook the charger up to the battery and charge the battery
> back up by itself!!!
> Why has no one thought of these ideas! (;->)

Great Scott, Man!

A 150% inverter, Gads! Why didn't I think of that!

Its surely because of the brainwashing effect of those mind control
waves those damn Republican Oil Company executives send out forcing us
all to exist artificially within the false constraints of the
"so-called" laws of thermodynamics! Damn them and their tyranny!




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