From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Wed Apr 12 2006 - 21:02:58 PDT
At 9:48 PM -0500 4/12/06, MV wrote:
>Although it is not suppose to be, I think the
>unwritten BMV rules are a lot different for
>companies than private individuals. I went to
>register a couple of trucks for my business
>recently in Indiana and got a different wait
>ticket that put me way ahead of private guys, I
>merely flashed my insurance paperwork and they
>said ok. It could have been my kids birth
>certificate for all they knew. I was out the
>door long before the other poor guys who didn't
>have a company name to flash.
Well, Andy did say he had the hardest time
getting one of the two vehicles registered
because of the multiple copies of certified
titles and translations of titles and such. Took
him a few months actually to get one of them
registered for the road.
-- -- Ryan Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- I speak not for CNN, nor they for me. But I do work there and still like the company. ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | -==---- | O--=- | | /_8[*]°_\ |_/|o|_\_| | _________ | /_[===]_\ / 00DA61 \ |/---------\| __/ \--- _w/|=_[__]_= \w_ // [_] o[]\\ _oO_\ /_O|_ |: O(4) == O :| _Oo\=======/_O_ |____\ /____| |---\________/---| [__O_______W__] |x||_\ /_||x| |s|\ /|s| |s|/BSV 575\|s| |x|-\| |/-|x| |s|=\______/=|s| |s|=|_____|=|s| |x|--|_____|--|x| |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x| '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/2) ----------------------------------------------------------
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