From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Mon Apr 24 2006 - 19:59:55 PDT
So, since the ethanol-based gas is going to get 25% less mileage, what do
we pay $3 for gas and the oil companies made record profits. go figure. On
Jess Minton wrote:
> Want to know what the rest of the country is paying for gas??? check out
we add to the tank to get it back up? Granddad used to put a quart of
diesel in for every 20 gallons.. I used to do this regularly in my
carbureted 86 chrysler park avenue and got about 2MPG more going from 15mpg
to 17. Later I went to 2ounces of acetone per 10 galons, and that worked
very well, even better like 18 mpg. These things might not work on modern
fuel injected vehicles and acetone's benefits are ruined by the alcohol in
gasohol blends.
the ligher side, diesel for the MV is cheaper than gas again. sick...
> this neat map that shows prices by county.. at least you don' t live in
> California!! OOppps sorry Terri.
> Jess
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