From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2006 - 21:11:31 PDT
> I'm driving the M35 with laden M105 trailer from Dallas to Powderly
> and back due to some training. About 125 miles each way, will advise
> mileage..
> then we'll see who's whining!
All those critters on Capital Hill are trying to figure out where
Mobil-Exxon is getting its record breaking "windfall profits".
Gentlemen, we have our answer and that answer is Patrick's M35 :-)
Good luck with your trip. Don't forget to bring some extra water for
dehydration and an extra bottle of gin (or some other hooch) to dull
the pain at fill up time! My wife nearly fainted at $90 for our pickup
truck... I think she'd figure out if there is an afterlife if she had
to watch me fill up a Deuce.
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