Re: Gas Prices? Travel? (It hurts)

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Sun Apr 30 2006 - 16:49:28 PDT

I did get a little dehydrated.. Considering the loading and the driving,
results were good.


(let the suspense build..)

Stephen Grammont wrote:

>> I'm driving the M35 with laden M105 trailer from Dallas to Powderly
>> and back due to some training. About 125 miles each way, will advise
>> mileage..
>> then we'll see who's whining!
> All those critters on Capital Hill are trying to figure out where
> Mobil-Exxon is getting its record breaking "windfall profits".
> Gentlemen, we have our answer and that answer is Patrick's M35 :-)
> Good luck with your trip. Don't forget to bring some extra water for
> dehydration and an extra bottle of gin (or some other hooch) to dull the
> pain at fill up time! My wife nearly fainted at $90 for our pickup
> truck... I think she'd figure out if there is an afterlife if she had to
> watch me fill up a Deuce.
> Steve

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