Military Vehicles, September 1996,: Re: Pierced Steel Planking

Re: Pierced Steel Planking

Scott Family (RALPH@SMUGGITS.MHS.CompuServe.COM)
08 Sep 96 07:50:29 EDT


Pieced steel (sometimes called sommerfield) planking is used by various
people (including the military) to provide a stable base for passage of
people and vehicles across soft terrain. It is visually similar (poss.
identical) to the type seen on the camel trophy vehicles, however I
suspect that is alluminium. It is possible to get this stuff cheaply in
the UK, however the aluminium stuff is more expensive (about 5x.)

As for availabilty in the states, I don't know, however I think K & J
Slavins have an US outlet, and they sell the alluminium type.

