The following two M-2 Half Tracks are being offered for sale by the Texas Air
Museum, Caprock Chapter, of Lubbock, Texas. Unfortunately, they do not have
on-line capabilities. Therefore, contact Malcolm Laing @ 806-794-0190 (keep
in mind he's a working stiff, and needs his beauty rest, too), or by mail at
the following address:
Texas Air Museum - Caprock Chapter
P.O. Box 667
Slaton, Texas 79364
(Slaton is located roughly 10-12 miles southeast of Lubbock)
Malcolm can give the complete run-down on what comes with the vehicles. They
are being offered at an extremely good price.
The museum folks want to move these vehicles, as they are taking up room that
otherwise might be occupied by an aircraft.
Robert Ratliff
Houston, Texas