They can get M113's, and peacekeepers free through the military 1208 program
(interesting 1208 story in latest Military Vehicles magazine). It can be a
pain, and there is alot of paperwork involved. It's also not quick. Some
agencies have been buying British AFV's such as Saracens and Humber Pigs. For
info try Greg Cash (Lionheart Veh's) at e-mail
"", or Western Resources (812) 876-2171. Most British vehicles
require special servicing and driving knowledge, so it is better to have a
collector available to help with the veh.
David Uhrig, e-mail "" (614)772-1540, is advertising a
peacekeeper body in Plantation , Florida for $5,000. It will bolt onto an
M880 Dodge 4x4 1 1/4T pick up, which they can easily get for free through the
DRMO 1208 program. It would be a fun project for volunteers. It would be a
good tax write off for volunteers too.
If the city police would like info on the 1208 program send me a private
e-mail with the person to contact. My guess is that they are already on the
program, but just don't know it.
S. California, USA
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