Military Vehicles, May 1997,: [MV] RE sandblasting

[MV] RE sandblasting
6 MAY 97 15:37:05 EDT

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Comments by: Dennis OConnor@Main@BSD

Jess - FYI this came to me - should be on thread

-------------------------- [Original Message] -------------------------
I have found a couple of things with sandblasting:

With the siphon thype which I believe is what you have, they clog about every
30 seconds. When the flow slows down. stop and put uyour finger over the nozzel
and pull the trigger. This will blast the sand back into the container. Remove
your finger and continue.

I only use sandbladting very rarely. I use paint stripping for paint.

It requires huge volumes of air. My siphon unit is tough on my 5 hp 175psi

In the summer, humidity and overhearing (the compressor and air) will cause
lots of clogging problems


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