Military-Vehicles: [MV] M-1009 Blazer

[MV] M-1009 Blazer

Dr Deuce 264-0909 (
Mon, 14 Jul 97 13:43:18 EDT

It is my understanding that the M1009 Blazer was bought with the HD automatic
tranny. How this affects the xfer I don't know.

I am also looking at one at this time.

A friend of min has one and one common problem is the glow plug circuit board.
This fails quite often and fries the glow plugs. His solution was to put a push
bitton on the dash that controls the solenoid that controls the glow plugs. He
just counts; 1001, 1002, etc while holding the button in while noting the
outside temp. The glow plugs are more than $100...


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