Re: [MV] Side shift T-84 Gearbox ---- Rare ?? -- UPDATE
Gordon.W.I. McMillan (
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 14:33:52 -0000
Nope, no ideas. I forgot to mention that the Weasel units normally
had a 90o elbow at the drain plug hole, so that they could be drained
from underneath the hull via an access hatch. Weasel units normally
did not have handbrake mountings on the output - just some sort of tube
/ flange arrangement (later Weasels than mine did have handbrakes so
this might not hold true for all) If it is a Willys unit it could be
one of those postwar jeepster cars, or you might be right and it could
be from an MA. Have a look for stamped (rather than cast-on)
numbers, Studebaker parts were stamped 'SD' and the transmission would
be 'SD-905210' and / or an ordnance stock code of A0308458. Course if
no jeepsters or Willys cars were sold thereabouts, and there was a
shortage of Weasels, you might be right. Any Weasels ever been seen
roundabout ? Gordon 8-) P.S. dont fit it in ANYTHING without
checking the first and reverse cluster and matching gears
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