Re: [MV] The (JEEP) hunt is on...
Joe Baker (
Mon, 09 Feb 1998 13:54:54 -0500
One of the big problems in this world is that people are too quick to
call their attorney because they feel they have been wronged.
Exploration of any kind involves risk. With the attitude that I will
sue at the drop of hat, wouldn't Christopher Columbus been sued because
he sold a trip to China and only got half way? I think that you take
you chances and look over the object well with an educated eye. I
recently bought a set of heater boxes for my VW Camper and both the
seller and I thought that I had the correct set out of the two he had on
his space at Carlisle, I drove 300 miles home only to find out the
other set was the correct set. I ended up driving another 600 miles to
exchange the set, which the seller agreed to do, because I bought them
for $75 for the set, instead of the list price of over $400 each. I am
sorry but I would never consider filing a legal action because I
followed up on information that proved to be false.
These types of legal actions only serve to dry up the pool of
information. If a person has to be afraid that someone is going to file
a legal action because they thought they gave good info, but didn't, how
many leads would be posted on this or any other server. We could all
pay for our trip to Europe or Australia, by just following up a lead
proving it false and collecting in court. I think not...
Joe Baker
Major, Infantry, USAR
formerly of the 2d ACR
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