[MV] Role of Dozers in Military

MR TIMOTHY R GLANCE (TGlance@prodigy.com)
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 18:17:20, -0500

As a heavy equipment mechanic in a Combat Light engineer battalion, I
can tell you that dozers are used for many tasks. Ours are used for
everything from road building, fighting positions for armored
vehicles, brush clearing, extracting mired vehicles, and
building/destroying obstacles such as tank ditches, log cribs, abatis,
etc. This leads to dozers ending up in some unusual positions, and
I saw one stuck so bad once it took 3 M-88's to extract it!(the
driver of the first one finally decided to call for help when his M-
88 stood up on its nose!) We use Cat D-7G's hauled by M-916A1
tractors and M-870/M-870A1 trailers.

On an interesting note, several dozers were modified during desert
storm with armored plates and used for mine clearing. From what I
have heard these "ninja dozers" were so heavy it took a tank
transporter to move them!

I can provide more details if you are interested.

Tim Glance

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