Dave Cole (
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:34:05 -0500

I agree, however I think that the end result of this are vehicles that
don't meet reasonable expectations and cost a fortune. The "system" is
obviously screwed up.
Dave Cole

On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 22:25:37 -0500 jonathon <> writes:
>>While I understand that the FMTV's conform to special DOD standards I
>>find it hard to believe that Navistar or Ford could not modify their
>>truck lines to make trucks that meet the requirements.......
>Conforming to standards and modifying off the line trucks is only part
>the cost issue. When you contract with the DOD to make stuff you
>can't just
>say that it meets Mil-Std-461B (emi & emc) or Mil-Std-810C (shock,
>vibration, temperature, altitude, fungus, corrosion, etc), or a
>laundry list
>of other specs. You must test it and prove that it does. With the
>production runs as small (relatively speaking) as they are, this adds
>of expense to the total contract cost. Again, I'm not saying that I
>that all of these specs and all of this testing is necessary, but
>that's the
>way the current system is.
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