Re[2]: [MV] Normandie 1999
James Burrill (
02 May 1999 06:15:24 -0500
Antoine is right about a lack of American military MV types being
I was stationed in Spain before the Gulf War broke out. I was active
in a 1492 living history program in the nearby town of Puerto de Santa
Maria with the 500th anniversary of the Columbus voyage coming up.
When the War started, the policy came down to prohibit US military and
dependents from attending any organized public event out side the
gates as a defense against suspected terrorist reprisals. Anything
that had an American presence and would get media attention if a
terrorist bomb went off, would have to get along without us.
Of, course, this only applied to DOD personnel and not
civilians.....they could choose to be targets if they wished.
I don't think I would cancel plans to attend....just be careful of the
usual suspects: unattended packages, cafes full of American tourists,
wearin' t-shirts with obvious American artwork and the like.
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