[MV] Re: Filters

From: mblair1@home.net
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 21:01:15 PST

KAYE-RIVERCITY@webtv.net (Geof Kaye) wrote:
> I just looked at my filters and they are Wix 51133 for oil and 33512
> and 33511 for fuel and they always fit and the gaskets are correct and
> the filters are the same as your description and I don't believe they
> bypass.
> Are your engines HERCULES? c-ya geof

My engine is a White Multifuel LDT-465-1C.

All of the filters that Memhpis sent me will "fit"... that is, they
have the same length and diameter, and thus can be inserted into the
filter bodies. However, I believe that they still aren't "right".

In the case of the secondary/final filters, my truck definitely had
the right filters in it already: it came straight out of military
service, and the correct part numbers per the TM were printed on the
side of the filter elements.

The gaskets on the WIX 33512 replacements I received don't contact the
cup which seals the inner part of the filter at the bottom, and thus
the gaskets don't seal anything at all. Just because the filter
element can be inserted in the filter body and the engine still runs
doesn't mean that the filter is doing its job; if some fuel can bypass
the element, the element will still get dirty due to the fuel that
wasn't bypassed, but grit will be able to get into the engine and wear
it out faster.

As I've said, "filter fits in body" + "engine still runs" does not
necessarily equal "correct filter". The Wix replacement kits I
received (which had the same Wix numbers printed on the elements that
many list members have quoted to me) definitely contained the wrong
gaskets and seals for my filter bodies, and thus were the wrong filter
replacement kits (even if the elements themselves were correct... and
I don't think they were). My filter bodies definitely contained the
correct military fuel filter elements, based on their markings and the
TMs. My filter bodies match the drawings in my TMs exactly, and an
examination of how they go together clearly shows that the lower
gasket on the replacement filter elements (but NOT the original
elements) does not seal anything due to the construction of the

BTW, Memphis told me I could return the filter elements, but I plan to
hang on to them anyway... in case I cannot find the RIGHT replacements
soon, I figure I can add extra home-made gaskets, make bushings, etc.
in order to use the "close" commonly-available replacements... but I
WON'T use them as-is and risk my expensive, freshly-rebuilt, engine!

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@home.net>
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