From: Ron (
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 20:58:02 PDT

Those interested, read on ... if not slap delete now:
        Will be Ft. Lee bound.
    Lo**ll PD released my CUCV (S-EX) Thursday PM but through some crossed
signals between shifts had it towed back to tow companies "Secure" storage
yard (unfenced field behind a concrete plant) instead of calling me to come
get it. In fact, forgot to call me at all.
        When I called Friday AM to talk to my friend who had been assigned
as the Detective who had my case, turned out he was on a paid detail.
Massachusetts is one of the few states in the US that do not allow flagmen
at construction areas or street openings or hanging cable from telephone
poles. So for about $42 an hour, an off duty local cop or auxilary, or if
none are available, a fire man, or if no locals are available, a State
Trooper, gets to stand around, bull shit with the construction workers,
drink coffe, sit in the cruiser ( sometimes required and an extra charge for
the contractor) or his car to catch up on sports and local newspaper
stories and make sure no one steals the hole. Patrolmen or Sargents making
$80 k a year ($27-35k salary, the rest details) are not uncommon and the
local rag lists the top 5 detail earners in each local city or town and
there is usually 2 or 3 who pull down over $100K. That's one reason the Big
Dig is costing so much. A bill to make flag men legal was voted down a
couple of years ago after INTENSE lobbying by impartial patrolmens
associations. They claim that cops working 16 to 18 hours a day, 5 or 6 days
a week, has no effect on their alertness or sharpness on their REAL job
performence. But I digress.
    When my friend was finally tracked down, he asked me a few questions
about why I carried a 5 pound masons sledge and a 10 pound long handle
sledge and an assortment of prybars in my vehicle. I told him about M35's
and other military equipment that sometimes need persuasion. Seems there had
been some thefts of ATM's and they were holding some of my property to
compare "tool marks". Anyways, he apologised for the tow mixup, would call
the tow company and "release" the "hold" on my truck. I then call the tow
company, am told I owe $125 CASH ($75 towing {a total of 8 miles}, $40 for
1 nights "secure" storage and a $10 city admin charge). I ask if it is
drivable, and am told that for a $40 an hour charge,1 hour minimum, they
will drive over to the yard and take a look. No thanks boys.
    I cage a ride up to the tow office, pay the bill, go over to the yard
(field) and there she sits, small dent in the passenger side door, but
otherwise looking intact. Driver says its locked, but he can slim jim it. I
said, No thanks I got keys, he goes, Oh,yeah. Open her up, Ignition is
intact, but left side of column is missing. Finger print dust all over the
place. Everything that was on front seat is on floor (hand held CB, air
chisel, air grinder and lots of Snap On hand tools). Could it be!!!! Look in
back. Cots, sleeping bags, a couple of manuals, 4HN, electric right angle
grinder, parts, piles of stuff (the way I remebered it was when I left it)
are sitting there. Wait a minute. No red Craftsman 3/4 drive set box, 10 ton
Jack stands, missing a 7 ton bottle jack. My scumbag has left HUNDREDS of
$$$$ of easily fenced, no brainer, easily transported items behind, but
taken a 50 lb socket set, $35 set of BIG jackstands and a $25 bottle jack?
    OK, focus here. Pop the hood, battery there but partly out of the tray,
oil ok, everything else looks ok. Close hood, back inside, pull up on
starter switch rack.... it's's running!!! No weird noises,
pop into drive, lets get the hell outta Dodge!
    I head over to my town PD to make sure the truck is off the hot sheets
and talk to the detective who has my case. He also finds the choice of
items taken odd, and asks the name of the tow company. Oh yeah, seems they
can't tow for the State anymore cause of theft charges of items in vehicles
they have in their "secure" storage area. The detective says he'll make some
low key inquiries and se if the "stuff" can be accounted for. Oddly, while
suspected in a major crime spree, the truck is not inventoried by the
officer who finds truck and has it towed to the station for printing. Seems
most departments require it so "evidence" doesn't dissapear. My garage guy,
who also tows, says it's not uncommon for cops to look the other way if a
wrecker operator, who's a friend, light fingers something from a "stolen"
tow and of course, is expected to go "Stupid" if the officer pulls an item
out of the tow. Called "Professional Courtesey" in the trade.
    So this little learning experience will end up costing me about a grand
for towing, replacing the 3/4" set and stands and replacing the steering
column with a non tilt junk yard unit, alot less than it could have, and I
feel very lucky. That's a grand I won't be spending at Ft Lee, but at least
my wife is letting us still go.
    For you folks out there with up through a mid 90's GM truck with a TILT
wheel column, Beware. They don't need to slide hammer your ignition, just an
8 inch screwdriver, an open door and 10 seconds and color your truck gone.
Get a kill switch or a Sears radio controlled battery or a nasty dog, or all
three. And lock the doors, no matter how safe your area is. Cause this has
been a pretty sucky experience.

    See ya in Ft. Lee!!!
    Ron, the long winded, kinda lucky, dummy

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