Re: [MV] PE95 G Gen Set

From: Peter Silfven (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 05:53:14 PST

Sounds to me like you are one of two things: A licensed electrician who
is worried that he won't be able to charge me 15 hundred bucks for
installing a silly panel in my home, or a "lawyer" who has never had to
litigate a case in open court. Last time I checked, it was NOT illegal
to maintain my own house as long as the work passes inspection. This
includes pulling a meter to render my own panel cold so I can
repair/replace it. I really think you and your like should provide
references so that we, the great unwashed, can go to our local
university law library and confirm it is REALLY so. wrote:

>In a message dated 10/31/01 1:42:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
><< When you lose
> power, just unplug the meter, plug in the meter base, connect the
> neutral wire to the ground terminal you have put in the meter box, >>
>Dear Sir:
>I don't know what part of the world you live in, so I may be way off here.
>In New York State, where our gold-plated electricity costs $0.25 per KWh, it
>is a felony to remove, re-insert, or otherwise mess with the meter, pan,
>socket, etc. There is a seal on every meter to indicate if someone has
>removed the meter. Licensed electricians must call the utility in the event
>that they must, for a bona fide reason, remove and replace the meter. They
>are given a clearance number to protect themselves legally. The NEC (National
>Electric Code) which is applicable in most states, I believe, also has some
>things to say about jury-rigged contraptions of this type. I'm sure that the
>local Building Inspector as well as the IBEW, would have a few choice words,
>too. If it ain't UL-approved, I would recommend that you don't use it. It
>seems much easier and safer to use a commercially-available transfer switch.
>It may be dead right now, but how do you know it isn't going to be live
>momentarily? Plugging in a gutted meter base, standing in a puddle, in the
>midst of a Nor'Easter rather than sending the teenager down to the cellar to
>throw the switch seems a little masochistic, if not downright suicidal. apb
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