Re: [MV] Deuce Brakes ---- split system

From: Douglas Greville (
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 21:08:51 PST

> Modern vehicles with disc brakes (prior to ABS ) used what is called a
> Dual-diagonal system. It split the system in two. One port controls right
> front/left rear. The other left front/right rear. Works pretty good as long
> as there isn't a catastrophic master cylinder failure.

Good point and here is where you need to be aware of one peculiarity of
modern systems. When my master cylinder booster failed (1990 fuel
injected V-8 GM Australia product), that allowed unrestricted air
flow back down the vacuum line to the engine which resulted in the
engine going to full throttle when time I tried to brake. This happened
to me on the open road luckily as had I been in town and if trying to
stop for an intersection etc it could have been quite nasty.
Besides that, it scares the *&%# out of you when it happens. I pushed on
the brake, there was a loud bang, then a roar as the engine went to full
throttle and then I was pushing for all I was worth. Ever tried to stop
a modern V-8 at full power without brake boost?
Once I collected my wits I switched the engine off making sure the
steering didn't lock (hadn't entirely lost my wits), which killed the
steering boost and then pulled over with the unboosted brakes - believe
me it comes as a rude shock!


                 Armoured Vehicles Collector
      _/_(_o_)_\_ ____
    _/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
   / [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
  /\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
  |w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
  |w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
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          M8 Ferret

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