[MV] WW II OD (was) Original paint color for M135?

From: MVTrucker@aol.com
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 17:57:52 PST

You could be right, I don't know. When I was restoring
my 1945 MB, Baxter at AJP advised me that 319 was the
color for late MB's. I recall reading one of his ads
a while back and he now lists 319 as the color for 1944
and earlier. I always thought that the 319 seemed kind
of light, but I've never parked alongside a WWll Jeep
painted in the "early" color so I could make a comparison.
As I ststed in my prior mail, Rapco lists 319 as "late".
I depended on the paint dealers for tech info on colors.

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