From: noel shelley (
Date: Mon Sep 27 2004 - 11:39:42 PDT
Hi Kirk ,
I have not read Bjorn`s article , but the boost gauge can be
an ordinary 0-20 psi air pressure gauge , or you can spend a bit more and
buy one that says BOOST , a proper kit will be about $70 .
The K type thermocouple can be had from any good big electronics supplier ,
they come in many sorts from a few$ up . I would recommend that you use an
inconel sheathed 1/8" Dia rated to 1350 *C . this will last a good while
.You could simply drill a 1/8" hole in the right spot and feed this into the
exhaust system . This will read very fast but for a longer probe life
,though slower response time should be fitted in a pocket mounted in or on
the exhaust . The display is another thing altogether , you can simply
connect to a multimeter or go for a fancy kit that may well cost $200 or
more . Domestic heating engineers use a hand held unit for checking
combustion temps , these run out at maybe $130 . If you make your own unit
up ,you MUST use special wire NOT copper .
It can be cheap and cheerful , or rather sophisticated , you pays your money
and takes your chance !
If you want more details mail me off list . Noel
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