Re: [MV] 12 volt + ground back to - ground system

From: noel shelley (
Date: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 02:26:44 PST

Hi Mike ,
               Firstly Happy New Year , Now to business ,Talking off the top
of my head , I will assume that your vehicle is set up with a Dynamo .
To change from + earth To - earth some times happens by accident , it`s that
easy . Since I`m also assuming the vehicle is old --ish i.e. no electronics
, the only thing that May have to have it`s wire transposed is the ammeter
if it`s got one!
DISCONNECT the battery ! Now check that there are no electronic devises eg
flasher unit !
The lights , starter ,fuel gauge Etc are not polarity sensitive so now
reconnect the battery , NEGATIVE to EARTH ,BUT disconnect the DYNAMO . Take
a wire from the battery +and briefly hold on the field terminal of the
dynamo , there will be a small spark , but don`t worry thats normal . The
field terminal will be the smaller of ,normally only two . You have now set
the residual magnetism to a neg earth system --- simple . reconnect the
DYNAMO and all should be well .
I`m assuming that the return {earth } is via the frame of the dynamo ! if
not then this must be connected before repolarising !

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