Date: Sat Aug 06 2005 - 16:34:36 PDT
I Have plenty of new tires for the deuces.. Enough for a whole Deuce
But -- no one wants to pay the why wast time letting everyone
know.. You ask for a "seller" or tire supplier..but, everyone want almost
free tires.?? nutzo..
> List,
> See, this is what pisses me about the MVPA. THEY should be the ones that
> are working to make this 'network' happen, among other things.
> A buddy and I was talking about that just today. He and I need tires, I
> need 900r20's and he needs 1100r20's. I made the comment that that wou8ld
> sure be nice if the MVPA would secure a deal with a tire dealer and get us
> all a discount for tires.
> Granted, I'm NOT an MVPA member...because I can't see any value it
> it...just like now.
> Look, I know that we are all busy, but what is the point in being in an
> organization that does nothing beyond magazine subscriptions? It is time
> that you (MVPA members) start expecting more. If the MVPA was worth a
> snot, this fella that's stuck wouldn't have a problem...correct me if I'm
> wrong!
> Kent
> Bring the flames on, I'm ready!
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