From: MV (
Date: Wed Jan 11 2006 - 10:43:13 PST
I guess the question is: Is it fraud to register a vehicle or trailer
where you don't live. I'm not sure about that.
Commercially, you will find that trucking companies do not necessarily
license their vehicles in the state where they are operated the most.
The bigger semis are usually apportioned to spread the cash to the money
sucking states, but the smaller trucks and trailers are registered
wherever they want to do so.
I see a lot of tree trimming rigs registered down in Florida or Georgia
that operate in the Midwest during the summer.
I've got a company and I regularly operate in several different states.
My insurance company knows this and charges me accordingly. They have
never asked for a storage location, but then I'm talking about commercial.
Even so, my regular auto insurance agent has never asked where the cars
are kept either. I'm sure that the local tax collector would have an
interest in where I register my vehicles, but what's new. If you own a
boat and you use it mostly in a different state than were you live, you
are suppose to register it in that state.
Also, my trailers are not insured and insurance is not required for them
to be licensed, so why don't I register the trailers in the cheapest
state around? This is not minor dollars - Indiana gets about $350 for
a 16,000 lb plate trailer tag. But only about $40 for a semi trailer
tag. (Figure that one out) I've got several trailers. My trailer
registration bill will be way over $1,000 this year. Michigan is now
offering permanent tags for trailers which might be a lot better than
paying $350 every year that I run this one trailer.
I'm just trying to figure out how to do this while spending less money
in 2006. With the low inflation we have according to the Gov_ment, (and
if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you) it is hard for me to
understand why my property taxes are doubling, fuel prices have almost
doubled, insurance is going up, etc yet my customers don't want me to
double my rates. Hmmmmmm....
So ..I'm getting squeezed....
>Beware that this is fraud both with your registration and your
>insurance and
>has MANY pitfalls. You must have a verifiable garaged address for the
>insurance companies as well as the taxes. PO Boxes are unacceptable
>as a business mailing address. I would be wary of committing all
kinds >of
>felonies and misdemeanors in a vain effort to get around the primary
G Shaw wrote:
> Hey guys, just a step back from the issue for a second;
> Beware that this is fraud both with your registration and your insurance and
> has MANY pitfalls. You must have a verifiable garaged address for the
> insurance companies as well as the taxes. PO Boxes are unacceptable except
> as a business mailing address. I would be wary of committing all kinds of
> felonies and misdemeanors in a vain effort to get around the primary issue.
> This will do everyone a lot more harm than good. Does the state of Kansas
> have right to not certify a certain type of vehicle for everyday road use??
> This has already been decided many times in the courts. It is a priviledge,
> not a right to use a vehicle on the road as the state may see fit. And the
> state will execute their power and defend it in the courts.
> If you look at the argument raised by the Ferret owner pretty much every
> clause is quite weak in its legal standing. Although we may not like the
> outcome, Kansas has many different solid arguments that they may use in
> court (and will) to support their refusal to issue the priviledge of driving
> this armored military vehicle on the public way. Safety issues specific to
> the vehicles odd seating, non standard steering controls, limited visibility
> and the safety of other travelers near it on the highway , along with the
> ever present public policy issues to do with Private Armor in this day and
> age of Terrorist threats. Does anyone else see the day coming when Private
> Armor will reside only in collections or be trucked out to a parade or show
> on a flatbed? I see it as a real possibility the way things are going. You
> will find that support for the owners of this Armor being able to be owned
> at all or driven on the highway, with the general public, is about as great
> as for anyone being able to walk around with a sub machine gun at the mall.
> We have to face up to what the reality of this is today. People are afraid
> out there.
> Does the MVPA "want" to make a stand on this issue here and now? I don't
> know. It may have as much downside as up to make a big stink of this in the
> Public Forum. If the case is lost it will become a far more widespread
> policy in many more states. Maybe discretion would be the better part of
> valor on this at this time. Perhaps this guy can just move on to another
> type of MV and have some fun instead of giving himself a lot of trouble all
> the way around. It is certain that the legal costs where this is heading
> are going to be FAR more than the Ferret cost in the first place. I was not
> going to post anything on this, but I think that everyone should take a look
> at the long view of the big picture without emotion before flying off on
> this. It will end up being argued by legal pros far better than I soon
> enough if it keeps moving up the docket as they say. We shall see.
> Glenn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On Behalf
> Of MV
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 9:01 AM
> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [MV] [Fwd: [inmvpa] i need your help, please]
> Does anyone have any experience in doing this? Particulary between
> Indiana and Michigan or Ohio or Illinois?
> Dave
> laptops wrote:
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Maguire" <>
>>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:14 PM
>>Subject: [MV] [Fwd: [inmvpa] i need your help, please]
>>Here is what I would do.Go to Illinois and get a pobx and get Illonois
>>Plates and tell Kanas where to stick it
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