Re: Gas Prices/Alcohol as a solution

From: MV (
Date: Wed Apr 26 2006 - 12:00:55 PDT

I think my Amish neighbor would disagree. He has a dry wall business
and a driver, several trailers, etc. He just had his propane tank
refilled that runs his generator that supplies power to his house and
shop... He has almost as much equipment as I do, but he does not drive a
car or truck. But I think he owns one or two but that doesn't count.

Good try though. If you were thinking about going Amish - it won't work
nowadays. (;->)

BTW, Bobcats are now the thing to have it you are Amish. Somehow they
can't have rubber tired tractors, but you can do anything you want with
a Bobcat. I think that one guy down the road uses his to visit other
people. I guess it saves time by eliminating the need to hitch up the
horse. Several Amish guys around me have recently bought new Bobcats.
I guess when you don't have a car payment - it looks reasonable.



Rick v100 wrote:
> Dave,
> They are forecasting $4 gas possibly by end of year so
> the tipping point where this becomes energy positive
> is rapidly approaching.
> One thing is for sure... the Amish don't have to worry
> about this stuff.
> Rick
> --- MV <> wrote:
>>The idea of using ethanol as a substitute for oil
>>should be looked at
>>carefully. I have heard many times that the amount
>>of energy necessary
>>to produce alcohol exceeded the energy value
>>obtained from the same
>>amount of alcohol. I do a lot of work with a major
>>distillery and they
>>go through a tremendous amount of coal to produce
>>ethanol for beverages.
>> And that is after the corn and grain has been
>>planted, fertilized,
>>harvested, and then transported to the distillery -
>>all of which consume
>>plain diesel fuel (tractor and truck fuel) and
>>natural gas (fertilizer).
>> They really don't care though (to some extent)
>>since coal is fairly
>>cheap and they get big bucks for a gallon of
>>beverage alcohol. The
>>quality standards are a lot higher than vehicle
>>Take a look at this:
>>Several different people have come to similar
>>conclusions. Do a web
>>search - this is nothing new.
>>Indiana is pushing biofuels really hard right now.
>>I have heard that
>>the break-even price for making ethanol from corn is
>>$2.90/gallon with
>>government subsidies. Gee, what is gas going for
>>now?? But Indiana
>>also grows a lot of corn and soybeans - so you
>>should not be surprised
>>that governor Mitch (got a highway to sell) Daniels
>>is pushing that.
>>We have a huge amount of coal in this country - 250
>>years worth the last
>>I heard. I think it is time we start using some of
>>those resources to
>>produce petro products.
>>Of course if we start doing that I'm sure that
>>George got-gas? Bush, and
>>Dick - I got a gun - Cheney will put Exxon on the
>>job so they can make
>>sure that we pay the proper price. Perhaps
>>Haliburton can help also?
>>Sooner or later we are going to have to electn some
>>politicians that do
>>what is good for the people - not what is good for
>>big oil, corn
>>growers, auto companies, Saudi Arabia, Casino
>>operators, etc. Until
>>then - we are our own worst enemy.
>>We are operating under the golden rule now- those
>>that have the gold, rule.
>>With a thirsty M-51 gasser with empty tanks. (:-<)
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