Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 09:01:46 PDT
If we are going to stray from MV talk, which lets face
it, it's kinda slow at the moment... so no big, but as
a little filler I want to make some predictions (20
years out):
History will show:
1. The Patriot bill was determined uncessary and in
violation of the Constitution and repealed. It was
seen as a fear driven, a knee jerk reaction, not well
considered to a preceived threat was so overblown that
even conservatives had to admit it was absurd.
2. Some federal agencies exploited the fears
following 9/11 to enhance their budgets! (gasp)
3. Homeland Security was a bureacratic, red tape joke
was repealled as one of the most costly boondogles in
American history. It proved widely unpopular among
voters and federal agencies and lasted just a few
4. Military Vehicles and other surplus sales have
been halted within the USA, but are freely available
in Europe and some areas of South America.
5. George Bush was found to be in error on the
published reasons to invade Iraq, but he got a pass
because Saddam and his henchmen were so evil and
corrupt. The U.S. was never repayed for the hundreds
of billions it spent to rebuild Iraq. All American
influences for democratic reforms failed and Iraq has
a semi-benevolent dictatorship and are satisfied with
that sort of strong central leadership.
6. The average age of the MVPA membership is 86.
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